What is SSL Certificate?

SSL stands for Security Sockets Layer. It's a digital security system that enables encrypted communication between a server and a browser. SSL certificates allow websites to transform HTTP into HTTPS, which is more secure. An SSL certificate is a tiny data file that contains a cryptographic key to its details. It is called public-key cryptography.

This type of cryptography works through two keys. One is a private key, and another one is a public key. The public key is related to the server and accessible with the public domain. You can encrypt any message with the public key.

Suppose you are John.  If you want to send a message to Jenny, you will have to lock it with Jenny's public key. And only Jenny's private key will able to decrypt it. Only Jenny has her private key, so she is the only one who can use this to unlock your message. If someone intercepts the message before Jenny unlocks it, all they will get is a cryptographic code. This is how SSL works between a server and a website.

SSL Certificate Types

Domain Validation (DV)

Domain Validation (DV)

Perfect for blogs, personal websites, and Facebook apps. It does not verify the site owner information and should not be used for e-Commerce or sites that have a user login.

  • Easy to activate
  • Available in 15 minutes or less
  • No paperwork needed

Organization Validation (OV)

Organization Validation (OV)

Ideal for securing sites that take in customer info and require login credentials. Site owner information is verified by the Certificate Authority.

  • Company information inside SSL details
  • Visitors can check company/organizational information, ensuring greater user trust
  • Paperwork needed

Extended Validation (EV)

Extended Validation (EV)

Recommended for sites requiring encryption for more sensitive customer information, such as credit cards. Site owner information is more thoroughly vetted by the Certificate Authority.

  • Company name in browser
  • Highest Trustworthy feature available
  • Paperwork needed

SSL Certificate Price

  • Organization Validation
  • $149
    per 1 Year
  • Installation Included
  • Within a few days
  • Organization Validation (OV)
  • Great for Business
  • Warranty $1,000,000
  • Encryption (up to 256-bit)
  • Extended Validation
  • $199
    per 1 Year
  • Installation Included
  • Within a few days
  • Extended Validation (EV)
  • Great for Ecommerce
  • Warranty $1,750,000
  • Encryption (up to 256-bit)

What comes with an SSL certificate?

Clipping Panda offers every SSL certificate with these special features. Please have a look before purchasing.

SSL Site Seal

SSL site seal is very important for visual proof of the security. It is the actual reason behind buying an SSL Certificate. There may be a different appearance of Site Seals in various sites. But every Site Seal tells you that your user's data is protected. It assures your website visitors that your site is not fake. By seeing SSL Site Seal on your website, visitors think you have invested in their safety. And this increases the trust level.

Top Support

Clipping Panda provides the best customer service for the clients. Every member of our team is an expert in their work. We care about our client's satisfaction and provide the best services that we offer. So, you can have our complete trust. We are available 24/7 to answer any questions related to your SSL certificates.

Browser Ubiquity

Browser ubiquity means how much internet users trust an SSL certificate. People don't trust an SSL certificate with a low browser ubiquity. Standard browser ubiquity for an SSL certificate is 95%. Clipping Panda offers authentic SSL certificates with every browser compatibility. All the popular browsers support our issued SSL Certificate. So, whatever browser you use that will recognize our verification.

Encryption Level

Encryption level depends on the capabilities of the web browser and server. The number of bits that generate the encryption key determines the SSL certificate's encryption Level. The global standard for data protection is 256 and 128-bit. We use both 256 and 128-bit encryption for our SSL certificates.